的 Numbers Whisper, But Stories Captivate: Rethinking Audit Communication

作者: 奇丹巴拉姆Narayanan, CISA, Chartered Accountant, Azure 网络安全 Architect Expert (SC-100)
发表日期: 2024年6月11日
阅读时间: 3 分钟

John Doe shuffled through another audit report, a familiar pit forming in his stomach. 精心分析的数字, 报告无可挑剔的格式化-尚未, 董事会的反应仍然不温不火.

的 data, no matter how precise, failed to ignite the urgency John felt in his gut. 挫折折磨着他. “我怎么做呢? 看到 这?"

他们怎么能真正理解?他想。. “一定有更好的办法," he muttered, the question echoing relentlessly in his mind for days.

然后,灵感的火花—— 讲故事!

It wasn’t the data itself that was lacking, but the way it was presented. Weaving narratives around the cold, hard facts could be the key to unlocking their true impact.

重要的是要澄清审计师 不应该 围绕他们的发现“编故事”. Audits are about accuracy and factual reporting. 然而,他们可以 以令人信服的方式展示他们的发现 to grab attention and ensure their message is understood.


  • 转移焦点: John decided to ditch dry pronouncements like “库存记录不准确.“相反,他会画一幅画:”Inaccurate records could lead to stockouts, leaving empty shelves and frustrated customers who might take their business elsewhere.”
  • 数字说话: Numbers weren’t just decorations; they added weight to the narrative. John wouldn’t just say “unrecorded expenses,” he’d quantify it: “Unrecorded expenses resulted in a $100,少报负债, potentially jeopardizing the company’s financial health.”
  • 提供上下文: John understood the “why” behind the findings was crucial. 库存记录不准确,他意识到, “stemmed from outdated systems and a lack of staff training, increasing the risk of stockouts and subsequent revenue loss.”
  • 遵循叙事结构: Frame the report as a story: introduce the issue, delve into details and conclude with recommendations.
  • 使用简洁明了的语言: Ditch jargon: “Lack of standardized procedures for expense reporting contributed to discrepancies, hindering accurate financial decision-making,约翰改口说. 现在情况很清楚了——而且令人担忧.
  • 视觉吸引力: To further enhance the impact, John planned to incorporate strategic visuals. Charts and graphs could make complex data easier to understand, while color could highlight key findings, grabbing attention and ensuring the message resonated on multiple levels.

By incorporating these 讲故事 techniques, John aimed to transform dry reports into captivating narratives. 事实将成为相关的情况, consequences would be tangible threats and recommendations wouldn’t be suggestions – they’d be clear calls to action. 这种有影响力的方法, 约翰认为, wouldn’t just foster comprehension; it would cultivate a sense of shared responsibility, driving positive change within the organization.

作者简介: 奇丹巴拉姆Narayanan is a seasoned internal auditor with 20+ years of experience in accounting and audit. 专门从事金融和IT领域, he has worked in Fortune 500 companies across manufacturing, 汽车, 工程, 零售行业.

Chidambaram holds the prestigious title of Chartered Accountant and is equipped with a robust set of certifications, including CISA and Microsoft Azure 网络安全 suite (SC-200, SC-300, SC-400, SC-100, SC-900). Presently, he serves on the board of the ISACA Muscat Chapter.
