
作者: 大卫·富特, Chief Analyst 和 Co-Founder, Foote Partners, LLC 和 ISACA conference speaker
发表日期: 2023年6月21日
相关: 的认证

The rapid growth of technology 和 its increased integration into nearly every aspect of our lives has brought about new challenges in ensuring the security of our digital infrastructure. 结果是, 对熟练的网络安全专业人员的需求激增, leading to the establishment of a thriving cybersecurity certification marketplace.

我们长期运行的4200名雇主的最新高度验证数据 IT技能和证书薪酬指数TM (ITSCPI) reveals that the average cash pay premium for 606 IT certifications has risen in three of the last four calendar quarters, 目前获得的证书相当于6.基本工资的6%. Even better, for the 137 IT security certifications reported, it is a whopping 8.3 percent for those lucky enough to work for an employer willing to pay you a premium for your certification.

ISACA certifications have displayed particularly impressive overall pay performance in the labor marketplace based on the latest survey findings in the ITSCPI (data collected through 1 April), 哪些报告核实和确认了支付给92的现金支付保费,在美国和加拿大有725名工人.

Pay premiums for six ISACA certifications included in the ITSCPI have risen an average 6.在过去的12个月里增长了1%. 所有这些增长都来自三个方面 that showed 12 month gains of between 10 percent 和 37 percent in cash market value through 1 April: 澳门赌场官方下载IT治理认证(CGEIT), 认证资讯安全经理(CISM)注册资讯系统审核员(CISA). Making this even more newsworthy is the fact that average pay performance for all 137 security certifications surveyed in the ITSCPI is up slightly less than 1 percent in the same period.


The performance of these three certifications 和 others is representative of a larger insight into how the p和emic, economic uncertainty 和 new technology advances such as Generative AI/LLM have suddenly propelled companies into fresh examinations of their IT governance structures 和 risk management at a critical time. 换句话说, 最近的商业环境变化产生了许多积极的影响, perhaps none more so than how organizations are now deeply engaged in much-needed, long overdue adjustments to their business models 和 operations driven by explosive advances in tech.

In addition to the CGEIT certification earning lucky recipients pay premium bonuses equivalent to between 8 percent to 13 percent of their base salary – up 37 percent 在市场价值上 compared to one year ago – a cluster of 10 “它的审计/隐私/Risk/治理” noncertified skills in our survey has risen 10.2 percent 在市场价值上 in the same period 和 is earning recipients a 14 percent average pay premium. Coming in at more modest but no less significant 12 month cash pay premium gains are the CISA 和 CISM certifications, 它们分别上涨了10%和20%, 分别, 在市场价值上, 它们的大部分增长发生在最近两个日历季度. Holders of these certifications can earn cash pay premiums in the 9 percent to 14 percent range.


At its essence IT governance provides a structure for aligning IT strategy with business strategy. And by following a formal framework, organizations can produce measurable results which, today, is 社交礼仪上必要的 转型中的澳门赌场官方下载. 从大局来看,在实践中把它当作福音 所有的公司 都变成了科技公司, IT治理是整个澳门赌场官方下载治理中不可或缺的关键部分.

还有什么推动了IT治理的流行? 管理机密信息保护的法规越来越多, 财务问责制, 数据保留和灾难恢复, 等. +, 在当前的宏观和微观经济环境下, 公司普遍承受着来自股东的比平常更多的压力, 利益相关者和客户. 这既适用于公共组织,也适用于私营组织.

一个正式的, up-to-date IT governance program must be on the radar of any organization in any industry that needs to comply with regulations related to financial 和 technological accountability. 这需要很多时间, effort 和 especially expertise to implement a comprehensive IT governance program, 和 for that workers will continue to be rewarded with related skills 和 certifications pay premiums.


还有GRC(治理), 风险与合规), which is largely the same thing as IT governance but incorporates security domains. 而GRC是父程序, what determines which framework is used is often the placement of the CISO 和 the scope of the security program. For example, when a CISO reports to the CIO, the scope of GRC is often IT-focused. When security reports outside of IT, GRC can cover more business risks beyond IT.

This is just one reason why noncertified GRC skills have gained nearly 7 percent 在市场价值上 in the last 12 months according to ITSCPI data, now averaging cash pay premiums equivalent to between 14 percent 和 19 percent base salary. Evaluating 和 managing risk is an obsession for most businesses; for others it is something to ignore at great peril to their future success. The field of risk analytics 和 evaluation has entered its prime: recent projections put the global 欺诈 detection 和 prevention market at 到2030年将达到1820亿美元,高于2022年的360亿美元.

The higher-paying premiums for non-certified security-related skills in our survey is, 在某种程度上, 为防止资产被挪用, 贿赂和腐败, 欺诈, 金融服务领域的数据盗窃或洗钱行为, 政府及公用事业. Many employers are rewarding people who can incorporate data 和 insights from many sources to better identify, 衡量和减轻风险, 他们是否持有安全认证.

But t在这里’s more to this growth in risk management skills dem和: it’s also the way business investment 和 development has been stimulated by advances in artificial intelligence, 高级数据分析, 分布式云, 边缘计算, 移动计算, 万物互联, 区块链和各种颠覆性的数字化转型.

Most of these technologies are exposing companies to an astronomically higher level of cyber risk, 尤其是云计算的迅猛发展. 没有云, 澳门赌场官方下载不可能让数百万工人回家, maintained global supply chains or shifted entire industry business models in a matter of weeks as COVID quickly spread. 根据foot Partners最近的预测, this trend is not about to change anytime soon regardless of whether or not another p和emic is in our future.

编者按: 了解更多关于CISA、CISM、CGEIT和其他ISACA证书的信息 在这里.