New Research: Digital Trust Is Integral to Innovation and Resilience, But Major Gaps Threaten Business Operations and Reputations

State of Digital Trust 2023
Author: ISACA
Date Published: 9 May 2023
Related: State of Digital Trust

98 percent of respondents say digital trust is important and 82 percent say its importance will increase in five years; but a lack of training (52 percent) and leadership buy-in (42 percent) jeopardize the value it can deliver.

Boston, MA, USA— Digital trust can make or break an organization. With increased data breaches, errors, ransomware and hacks, 数字信任可以在重大事件或严重事件发生后保持声誉和客户忠诚度, time-consuming and expensive losses. Business leaders can see how their organization measure with ISACA’s State of Digital Trust 2023 report, which reveals insights from 8,100 global digital trust professionals on digital trust benefits, obstacles, priorities, responsibilities and budgets.

Benefits of Digital Trust

According to ISACA’s State of Digital Trust 2023 report, 76 percent say digital trust is important to digital transformation, 但他们也报告说,在领导力支持和员工技能/培训等几个战略领域存在令人担忧的差距.

拥有高水平数字信任的组织可以获得切实的利益和积极的业务成果. Top benefits reported in the 2023 survey are:

  1. Positive reputation (67 percent)
  2. More reliable data for decision-making (57 percent)
  3. Fewer privacy breaches (56 percent)
  4. Fewer cybersecurity incidents (56 percent)
  5. Stronger customer loyalty (55 percent)
  6. 由于对其技术和系统的信心,更快的创新(42%)
  7. Higher revenue (27 percent)

尽管有这些明确的好处,81%的人认为,对数字信任的承诺最终将使组织更加成功, 只有13%的澳门赌场官方下载拥有专门的数字信任员工角色,只有19%的澳门赌场官方下载表示其董事会将数字信任作为优先事项.

67%的受访者表示,衡量数字信任实践的成熟度极其或非常重要, yet 29 percent do not measure digital trust at all. Still, this is an improvement from the 2022 report, which found that 33 percent did not measure digital trust.

Measurement is a significant differentiator and leadership is driving this, 在衡量数字信任的公司中,有38%的公司拥有专门的员工角色,而在拥有优先考虑数字信任的董事会的公司中,有46%的公司拥有员工角色. 大约一半(53%)的受访者对其组织的数字可信度充满信心, but this jumps to 81 percent among those that measure digital trust maturity.

Holistic Approach Can Help Reduce Obstacles and Reap Benefits

Security, risk, data integrity, privacy, governance, 质量和保证是数字信任的许多关键组成部分之一, but the survey shows that a unified effort among these siloed areas is lacking. Only half (51 percent) say there is sufficient collaboration among these fields.

只有不到四分之一(24%)的受访者计划增加数字信任活动的预算, 指出数字信任可以作为一种伞形方法实施,鼓励现有各个领域以最具成本效益的方式作为一个有凝聚力的整体开展工作.

“As organizations move to a digital-first business model, trust is the essential component that must be earned before, during and after every interaction,” said Tracey Dedrick, Interim CEO of ISACA. “Digital trust is a holistic, 有组织的方法,并为组织提供了一种新的和集成的方式来看待他们已经在澳门赌场官方软件. 数字信任是一个保护伞,确保现有功能同步运行,并以最佳方式确保其他人对组织具有信任. 与澳门赌场官方下载目标相一致的数字信任框架至关重要,并有助于产生有影响力的积极结果."

虽然可能不需要为数字信任分配大量额外的预算或人员, a holistic, 有组织的方法和与澳门赌场官方下载目标一致的数字信任框架至关重要,并有助于产生有影响力的积极结果.

“至关重要的是,董事会和高管必须密切参与,确保数字信任被定位为一项顶级战略利益,” said Dedrick.

Barriers Need to be Addressed

获得高度数字信任的最大障碍是缺乏技能/培训(52%), lack of leadership buy-in (42 percent), lack of alignment of digital trust and enterprise goals (42 percent), lack of budget (41 percent), 数字信任不被视为优先事项(38%),缺乏技术资源(38%).

On a positive note, 与前一年的调查相比,“缺乏技能和培训”的情况有所改善,这表明人们对数字信任的价值的理解逐渐加深. In 2023, 32 percent offer digital trust training to staff (29 percent in 2022), 31%的人了解他们的工作角色如何有助于数字信任(2022年为28%), and 66 percent say digital trust is relevant to their job (63 percent in 2022). This is trending in a good direction, but it should be accelerated.

Responsibility for Digital Trust

受访者并没有指出每个组织负责推动数字信任的具体职位或角色, mainly because each enterprise has its own culture, structure and goals. However, 他们指出,董事会或高级领导层对他们的组织负有最终责任. 尽管如此,只有19%的人表示董事会将数字信任作为优先事项. One third (34 percent) say that senior leadership team is responsible. Although in the current landscape, 在一些具有前瞻性的组织中存在首席数字信任官(或类似职位), 调查发现,只有13%的公司有专门负责数字信任的员工职位.

“说数字信任是每个人工作的一部分,与说每个人都对此负责是不同的. 这一挑战应该委托给具备与董事会和高管有效沟通技能的领导者, the knowledge to manage the many moving parts, and the ability to motivate employees to daily excellence,” said Mark Thomas, Escoute Consulting总裁兼ISACA数字信任工作组成员.

Tools for Digital Trust Growth

随着来自利益相关者和同行的压力加剧,数字化转型的步伐正在加快. Digital trust guidance will have a significant impact, 因为目前只有20%的人在他们的数字信任实践中使用框架,而56%的人认为拥有数字信任框架很重要.

Learn More
The State of Digital Trust 2023 report is available as a free download at 要注册参加关于调查结果及其影响的免费网络研讨会,请访问


ISACA® (是一个推动个人和组织追求数字信任的全球澳门赌场官方下载. For more than 50 years, ISACA has equipped individuals and enterprises with the knowledge, credentials, education, training and community to progress their careers, transform their organizations, and build a more trusted and ethical digital world. ISACA是一个全球性的专业协会和学习型组织,它利用了170多个澳门赌场官方软件的专业知识,000 members who work in digital trust fields such as information security, governance, assurance, risk, privacy and quality. It has a presence in 188 countries, including 225 chapters worldwide. Through its foundation One In Tech, ISACA为资源不足和代表性不足的澳门赌场官方下载提供信息技术教育和职业发展途径.


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